Construct Your Future News

Building Your Future: The Fruitful Rewards of a Trade Apprenticeship

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 20, 2023 9:00:00 AM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, apprenticeship, construction jobs, apprenticeships, career opportunities, registered apprenticeship program

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As fall arrives and the leaves begin to turn vibrant shades of red and gold (in some parts of the country, at least!), we’re reminded of the harvest season. It's a time when the hard work and dedication of planting and nurturing pays off with a bountiful yield. 

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Celebrating Labor Day: Honoring Those Who Built Our Nation

[fa icon="calendar'] Sep 1, 2023 2:51:43 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, trades, United States Construction, Labor Day

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Labor Day, a widely celebrated holiday in the United States, holds a rich history that goes beyond just marking the end of summer. It’s more than just a reason for a day off or a reason to fire up the grill — Labor Day is a tribute to the hard work, dedication, and struggles of workers throughout American history.

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What Do You Learn in an Apprenticeship Program?

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 21, 2023 5:50:25 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in apprenticeship, apprenticeships, Registered construction apprenticeships

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Back to school is in full swing. 

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Why Safety is a Never-Ending Topic in the Construction Industry

[fa icon="calendar'] Aug 8, 2023 4:08:55 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in job safety, Occupational Safety and Health Administration

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You may have noticed that in the world of construction, we talk about safety a lot

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Building Trades and Baseball: Striking Similarities between Apprenticeships and America's Favorite Pastime

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 24, 2023 5:08:06 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, apprenticeship, careers

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In the world of sports, baseball holds a special place in the hearts of many Americans. The crack of the bat, the smell of fresh-cut grass, and the camaraderie of teammates are all part of the timeless charm that makes baseball such a beloved sport.

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The Freedoms of a Good Career in the Building Trades

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 29, 2023 4:19:24 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, careers, United States Construction, career opportunities, benefits

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In America, we enjoy many freedoms. We are lucky to have the freedom to think, act, speak, gather, and pursue our passions, not only personally, but in our careers as well. 

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The Building Trades Make Summer Travel and Vacations Possible

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 21, 2023 11:10:41 AM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, United States Construction

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As summer rolls around, many of us can't help but feel that familiar itch to explore new places, soak up the sun, and make unforgettable memories. But have you ever stopped to think about all that goes into making those incredible destinations, travel, and experiences possible?

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Safety First! Why Safety Training Starts in Apprenticeship

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 16, 2023 11:36:43 AM / by Construct Your Future posted in apprenticeship, job safety

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In the building trades, we talk about safety a lot. And for good reason! There are some very real hazards on construction sites - heavy machinery, working from high places, moving objects, and loud noises, to name a few - that can cause serious injury if we don’t lead with a safety mindset in everything we do. 

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Mental Health Support in the Building Trades

[fa icon="calendar'] May 24, 2023 1:41:20 PM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, job safety, health and wellness

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In the building trades, no one should struggle alone.

One of the first lessons you learn in a building trades apprenticeship is that asking for help is never a sign of weakness; it’s an essential skill. Maybe the most essential skill. If you don’t ask for help when you need it, problems get compounded, deadlines get missed, the project suffers, and most importantly, safety is greatly compromised for you and those around you. 

Whether you need an extra hand to carry a heavy load, an extra set of eyes on a tricky installation, help troubleshooting malfunctioning equipment, or someone to hold a ladder, you’re sure to get it. Anyone who has ever worked in construction can attest that it’s a team sport. Work in the construction trades can never, and will never, be done alone.

And needing help can extend far beyond the physical. All trades workers, whether electrical workers, painters, plumbers, carpenters, masons, roofers, or other trades, face unique stressors that can take a toll on their mental health. Just like their need for help extends far beyond the physical, so does the support. The construction trades are renowned for their commitment to the safety, health, and well-being of their workers, both physically and mentally. 

How so? Many unions and trade organizations offer mental health resources and programs to help and support their members. These can range from confidential counseling services to support groups to education and training on managing stress and anxiety. For example, SMART Union and Bricklayers and Allied Craftworkers have Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs), IUPAT has an initiative called Helping Hand, and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers has confidential mental health and addiction programs available to its members and their families at the local level. This is much, much more than other industries are doing!

There are also national organizations like the Construction Industry Alliance for Suicide Prevention (CIASP) and the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline that offer resources specifically tailored to those in the building trades.

And let's remember the power of peer support. In the trades, it’s a brotherhood and a sisterhood; tradespeople are known for the steadfast support they give each other through thick and thin. A culture of caring and having the help of someone who understands the unique challenges of working in the trades can make all the difference.

In the building trades, seeking help is a sign of strength, not weakness. If you ever need help, no matter what that help is, know you will get it here. 

Looking for a new career where you know you’ll be supported no matter what circumstances you face, whether in your job or your personal life? Consider a career in the trades. Learn more and get started today!

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Construction Trades Offer Great Careers for Moms

[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2023 10:00:00 AM / by Construct Your Future posted in building trades, career opportunities, construction workers, Women in the trades, women in trades

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Mothers play an incredibly important role in our society. They’re often the backbone of their families, working hard to love, nurture, and provide for their children to ensure they have the best possible future. The value they bring not only to their families, but to the workforce and world around them, is undeniable.

Traditionally, women have gravitated towards careers in healthcare, education, and other service industries. But there is a growing movement of mothers who are pursuing careers in the construction trades. And they’re thriving.

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