Construct Your Future News

College graduate finds lifelong career in the trades

[fa icon="calendar"] Aug 29, 2019 9:09:00 AM / by Construct Your Future

Construct Your Future

Throughout the country, college graduates are running into a common problem, a lack of work in their desired field. Many students accrue large amounts of student debt and then have no way to pay it off after graduation.

The Post Star interviewed Mike Burdick, 38, of Queensbury, NY, who felt the societal pressure to continue his education by attending college. When he graduated college, he was met with large amounts of student debt and internship offers, which required he work for free.

Burdick toiled as a chef for 15 years before he decided enough was enough; he needed to change careers. He learned about the benefits offered to construction workers who enroll in registered apprentice programs such as healthcare and a pension, and felt this was the best way to provide and care for his family.

A registered construction industry apprenticeship program allowed him to earn livable wages, roughly $14 per hour during his first year. By the end of the program, he had doubled that amount and was making about $30 per hour.

Soon, Burdick will complete his apprenticeship and then receive another raise to journeymen status. He loves working in the electrical field and wishes he had skipped college and gone straight into the construction industry.

Burdick, like other electrical apprentices, is making more money than ever before. As these apprentices advance in their career, they see corresponding wage increases through the “earn while you learn” method. Burdick earns a livable wage while he learns his craft, which means working side-by-side with journeyworkers, learning how to do the job, in addition to taking classroom education at night.

The construction industry is currently in a boom, creating plentiful work opportunities. Construction workers are in high demand to complete this work. Through a registered construction industry apprenticeship program, you can earn a livable wage, earn great benefits like healthcare and a pension and avoid a crushing mountain of student debt.

Plus, unlike office jobs which can be monotonous, there is always a different challenge in construction.

If you would like to learn how you can earn a great wage and benefits such as healthcare and a pension, explore this website and check out what the construction industry can offer you.

Topics: careers, Construct Your Future, career opportunities, Registered construction apprenticeships

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